So many feel no one truly loves them….
I often grieve because so many go through life feeling that no one loves them, never will, and that the love they desire and know exists is nowhere to be found… But the irony is love is everywhere. It is the source energy of all creation, what we originate and manifest from… Everything that is alive comes from love, and so do you. You can’t be separate from it, unless you don’t feel it for yourself. This is the key. If you can’t connect to the love inside of you or the miracle that makes you “you”, you can never truly know love. Until you learn and experience how precious and amazing you are, just because you are alive, as you are, you can never truly appreciate the miracle of anything else… and in this is the miracle of love. You must learn to love yourself. Then you will harmonize, experience, and find love in everything… I believe this is life’s greatest challenge but also the greatest gift. Once you learn to truly love all of you, unconditionally, the truth of you, everything changes.