Every day our choices define us…
Every day we make a million choices. Every day these choices define us. And every day these choices determine the future course of our lives. Some choices are small, like what shirt should I wear today… which could turn into a conversation with a stranger crossing the street, who in turn becomes a new, needed friend. Some are greater, like should I be late for work to get that coveted Starbucks coffee… which could lead to missing a meeting that could be the catalyst to a promotion or raise. And some choices are monumental, like should I get divorced. What would that do to my children? How would my life look if I did? Can I continue to live this way even though I’m not happy? The culmination of these choices define not only you, but the world around you. Each choice, no matter how small, makes a ripple in the universe that carries out a cause and effect. Each choice you are responsible, for what happens next. You are in control whether you realize this or not… When you accept and realize this, you will find the power within you.