Barnes & Noble - Story Time & Book Signing New Book Release
Come to storytime with Award Winning Author Jodi Dee at Barnes & Noble in Leominster Ma, to listen to her new book The Snow Monster. She will have coloring pages and will sign every book purchased! Raved by Educators and Parents, and 5 star trade reviews is making this a new holiday favorite. Birthday wishes, mystery, super heroes, and more! Saturday October 26th, 2023 from 12pm- 4pm.
Story time and a Question and Answer session will begin on the hour!
"The Snow Monster by Jodi Dee was a pleasure to read. It is unlike any other story that I've encountered, and that's what kept me interested. I was more intrigued with each page I read. I loved every word and I know children will too." - 5 Star Review by Amy Louise Hill for Readers' Favorite