The Playroom - Organization and Storage
Containers and bins for toys are an integral part of being able to manage the space. Toys that aren’t being used should be out of sight and out of mind! I was always amazed when my children would play with something as if it were completely new when it had only been put away for a week or so. They played with the same toys for years, but each time they were rotated in, they were like new.
Of course, when they were older and taller, they could access everything themselves, but when they were young, most toys were out of reach. Also, if you have older children who play with more complex toys, putting those toys away and out of reach when not in use establishes a safe zone for younger brothers and sisters (as some toys cannot be used without supervision).
I had a mudroom with cabinets where I stored the puzzles, manipulatives, games, and arts and crafts. I also used the top shelf of a closet and the high shelf in the washer and dryer area for larger options (like the various toy houses I had). Once these were organized, rotating toys became simple and easy.
Extra cabinets in the kitchen, the basement, or closets in other rooms also work. Even the garage is a great storage space, although toys can get chilly to the touch in colder months. Just make sure the equipment is easy for you to access. If using a basement or garage, be sure to use sealed plastic storage in case of mice, floods, or other perils.
There are many storage options on the market. Purchase various stackable and clear bins. This makes storing toys and games easy.
The perfect size seems to be a standard shoebox size. This size fits most activities and toy sets perfectly (such as a collection of dinosaurs, army soldiers, sea creatures, people for the farmhouse, stackable cups, magnets, Lego blocks, and so on).
Larger bins are needed for larger sets and as you continue to add more toys to your collections. Many things will be added over time, like Play-Doh tools, cars, dolls, house accessories, action figures, and more.
There is no need to label the bins because it’s easier during cleanup to just throw an activity into whichever bin is empty or closest. Simply pull out four to five bins each morning. Even though some toys will be changed and replaced over the years, the system works! Organization and storage are key to rotating toys easily. Find a system that works best for you.
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