Event by Jodi Dee - High School Entrepreneur Class

Event by Jodi Dee - High School Entrepreneur Class

Jodi Dee will be hosting a free entrepreneur class for students at her local high school, with a final pop up sale for teachers and students.

"As I was writing my outline for my entrepreneur class at our local High School I realized how important this is. Not every person who graduates from high school will follow a traditional track of going to college and finding a corporate job. Today more than ever, teens have access to unlimited information and resources (You Tube, online classes, ecommerce, Amazon Seller Central, and more)- what most of us didn't have growing up. They can learn and do anything they desire - IF they are empowered and led to do so. It is our responsibility as adults to facilitate and support it. I may turn this into an online class for anyone! If we don't give back what we have to future generations, society will suffer..." - Jodi Dee

#entrepreneurship #entrepreneur #givingback

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